Leslie M. Wilson

United States of America

Leslie is associate director for Academic Engagement and Research at the Art Institute of Chicago, where she supports emerging museum professionals and research initiatives. Prior to joining the Art Institute, she was assistant professor of art history at Purchase College, SUNY, and a curatorial fellow at the Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago. Her research, teaching, and curatorial endeavors focus on the history of photography, the arts of Africa and the African diaspora, modern and contemporary American art, and museum studies.



After the Signs Come DownAfter the Signs Come Down

The end of apartheid in South Africa was hailed as a closing of the chapter on the country’s troubled past. What unfolded instead has proven more complicated, prompting storyteller Sydelle Willow Smith to create a somewhat autoethnographic photographic series examining post-apartheid whiteness. Reflecting on the series, art historian Leslie M. Wilson posits that Smith’s work meaningfully poses more questions than it answers.

By Leslie M. Wilson

United States of America

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